Britain 2 months after ‘Brexit’ - By New York Times

British Prime Minister, Theresa May photo:
Prime Minister of Britain, Theresa May photo:
Since Britain voted  in June to quit the European Union, its government has promised repeatedly to make a success of withdrawal, known as Brexit.

More than two months later, however, it still cannot say how.

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Theresa May called cabinet ministers to a brainstorming session about the withdrawal.

She pledged to examine “the next steps” for Britain and to identify “opportunities that are now open to us as we forge a new role” in the world.

However, in ministerial offices, where turf wars have rapidly broken out, advocates of the withdrawal have discovered that four decades of European integration have left Britain so deeply embedded in the 28-nation bloc that there is no easy escape route.

British officials currently have neither the expertise nor the staff for the tortuous exit negotiations, which are likely to last at least three years and possibly much longer.

Some analysts have even said they might take a decade.

But perhaps what they lack most of all is a game plan.

“At the moment, they haven’t got a clue,” said Charles Grant, director of the Center for European Reform, a London-based research institute.

“It is such a difficult challenge with such disparate leaders at the top of government, with such different views, that they are trying to work out how to respond.”

Beneath the fog lie fundamental questions about how much economic pain Britain should risk to restore powers to its national Parliament and to curb immigration from the European mainland.

For example, ministers must decide whether, to gain the restrictions they want on immigration, they are willing to endanger the health of London’s financial center, which contributes billions in tax revenues, by sacrificing its unfettered access to European markets.

Presiding over this is Mrs. May, who argued against the withdrawal before the referendum (albeit tepidly), and who succeeded David Cameron in the political meltdown after the June 23 vote.

Perhaps to compensate for her support of European Union membership, Mrs. May installed supporters of leaving the bloc in critical, rival positions.

The flamboyant Boris Johnson as foreign secretary; the more hard-nosed David Davis at a ministry created to oversee the withdrawal; and a right-wing former defense secretary, Liam Fox, at international trade.

The three men do not like one another much and, perhaps mischievously, Mrs. May has instructed them to share the use of Chevening, a 115-room country mansion in Kent, southeast of London, that is normally assigned to the foreign secretary but that is now nicknamed Brexit Towers.

Tensions stemming from the turf wars surfaced in a leaked letter in which Mr. Fox asked Mr. Johnson’s Foreign Office to surrender economic diplomacy functions to the Trade Department.

Because Britain’s trade deals are currently negotiated by European Union officials, the British government is chronically short on expertise and has had to call in expensive external consultants while starting to recruit its own specialists.

Mrs. May says she will not start formal negotiations on the exit before the end of the year. Once she does so — by invoking Article 50 of the European Union’s Lisbon Treaty — a two-year deadline will loom, putting Britain under pressure to cut a deal or risk finding itself with no foreign trade agreements and, perhaps, tariffs on its exports to Europe.

In a statement after Wednesday’s meeting, Mrs. May’s office said there was a clear view among ministers that there should be a “unique” deal for Britain, with “controls on the numbers of people who come to Britain from Europe but also a positive outcome for those who wish to trade goods and services.”
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